Author: Louis C. Gapenski
Edition: 4th
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1567932800
Edition: 4th
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1567932800
Healthcare Finance: An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, Fourth Edition
Categories: Medical care->United States->Finance, Medical care->United States->Cost control. Contributors: Steven Eastaugh - Author. Format: Paperback

Journal of Health Care Finance
The Journal of Health Care Finance is the only quarterly journal devoted solely to helping you meet your facility's financial goals. Each issue targets a key area of health care finance. Stay alert to new trends, opportunities, and threats. Make easier, better decisions, with advice from industry experts. Learn from the experiences of other health care organizations. Experts in the field share their experiences on successful programs, proven strategies, practical management tools, and innovative alternatives. Available in print and online, the Journal covers today's most complex dollars-and-ce
Categories: Health services->Economics, Hospitals->Finance, Health care->Costs and cost analysis. Contributors: William O. Cleverley - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Medical care->United States->Finance, Medical care->United States->Cost control. Contributors: Steven Eastaugh - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Medical care->United States->Finance, Medical care->United States->Cost control. Contributors: Steven Eastaugh - Author. Format: Paperback
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