Author: Stephanie J. Baker
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0984079483
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0984079483
Excellence in the Emergency Department: How to Get Results
The No Excuses ED: Yes You Can Create Excellence in the Emergency Department!For years healthcare professionals believed creating excellence in the emergency departments was next to impossible.
Excellence in the Emergency Department: How to Get Results, ISBN-13: 9780984079483, ISBN-10: 0984079483
And it s true that too many patients, too few resources and too few hours in the day add up to big challenges. Yet where there s a will and a team of passionate, caring staff members there s most defi nitely a way.By implementing proven, evidence-based tools and techniques, leaders can overcome the excuses and create an ED where employees and physicians want to work and patients want to receive care. That s true whether your ED is big or small, inner city or rural, or any combination of the above.Excellence in the Emergency Department: How to Get R

Excellence In The Emergency Department: How To Get Results By Stephanie J. Bake
Excellence in the Emergency Department: How to Get Results ISBN :9780984079483 Title :Excellence in the Emergency Department: How to Get Results Authors :Stephanie J. Baker Binding :Paperback Publisher :Fire Starter Publishing Publication Date :Sep 1 2009 Edition : Condition :Used - Acceptable The cover has minor scuff marks. Pages are clean of writing and other markings. Pages are well binded to the book.--Please read our Seller Info and Policies prior to placing your order. About About Goodwi
Condition: Fair. Book has damp stains at top margins of some pages. The No Excuses ED: Yes You Can Create Excellence in the Emergency Department! For years healthcare professionals believed creating excellence in the emergency departments was next to impossible. And it s true that too many patients, too few resources and too few hours in the day add up to big challenges. Yet where there sa will and a team of passionate, caring staff members there s most defi nitely a way. By implementing proven, evidence-based tools and techniques, leaders can overcome the excuses and create an ED where employ
Contributors: Stephanie J. Baker - Author. Format: Paperback
Contributors: Stephanie J. Baker - Author. Format: Paperback
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And it s true that too many patients, too few resources and too few hours in the day add up to big challenges. Yet where there s a will and a team of passionate, caring staff members there s most defi nitely a way.By implementing proven, evidence-based tools and techniques, leaders can overcome the excuses and create an ED where employees and physicians want to work and patients want to receive care. That s true whether your ED is big or small, inner city or rural, or any combination of the above
nd it s true that too many patients, too few resources and too few hours in the day add up to big challenges. Yet where there s a will and a team of passionate, caring staff members there s most defi nitely a way.By implementing proven, evidence-based tools and techniques, leaders can overcome the excuses and create an ED where employees and physicians want to work and patients want to receive care. That s true whether your ED is big or small, inner city or rural, or any combination of the above.Excellence in the Emergency Department: How to Get R