Author: Alistair M. Gray
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199227284
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199227284
Applied Methods of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare (Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation Series)
The third volume in the Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation series, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive set of instructions and examples of how to perform an economic evaluation of a health intervention.
author alistair m gray author jane l wolstenholme author philip m clarke author sarah wordsworth format paperback language english publication year 14 10 2010 series handbooks in health economic evaluation subject management business economics industry subject 2 economics professional general title applied methods of cost effectiveness analysis in health care author gray alistair m clarke philip m wolstenholme jane wordsworth sarah publisher oxford univ pr publication date dec 09 2010 pages 304
It focuses solely on cost-effectiveness analysis in health care. The book is developed out of the Advanced Methods in Economic Evaluation course taught at the University of Oxford, and the four main sections mirror the four principal components of the course: Outcomes, Costs, Modelling using decision trees and Markov models, and Presenting cost-effectiveness results.
Series editors Alastair Gray and Andrew Briggs
Economic evaluation of health intervention is a growing specialist field, and

Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare
Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare
The third volume in the Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation series, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive set of instructions and examples of how to perform an economic evaluation of a health intervention. It focuses solely on cost-effectiveness analysis in health care. The book is developed out of the Advanced Methods in Economic Evaluation course taught at the University of Oxford, and the four main sections mirror the four principal components of the course: Outcomes, Costs, Modelling using decision trees and Markov models, and Presenting cost-effectiveness results.ABOUT TH
The third volume in the Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation series, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive set of instructions and examples of how to perform an economic evaluation of a health intervention. It focuses solely on cost-effectiveness analysis in health care. The book is developed out of the Advanced Methods in Economic Evaluation course taught at the University of Oxford, and the four main sections mirror the four principal components of the course: Outcomes, Costs, Modelling using decision trees and Markov models, and Presenting cost-effectiveness results.ABOUT TH
The third volume in the Handbooks in Health Economic Evaluation series, this book provides the reader with a comprehensive set of instructions and examples of how to perform an economic evaluation of a health intervention. It focuses solely on cost-effectiveness analysis in health care. The book is developed out of the Advanced Methods in Economic Evaluation course taught at the University of Oxford, and the four main sections mirror the four principal components of the course: Outcomes, Costs, Modelling using decision trees and Markov models, and Presenting cost-effectiveness results. ABOUT T
Download Applied Methods of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare
It focuses solely on cost-effectiveness analysis in health care
Series editors Alastair Gray and Andrew Briggs
Economic evaluation of health intervention is a growing specialist field, and