Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 083421721X
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 083421721X
National Health Directory 1999
This Second Edition, completely updated for 1999/2000, is a comprehensive guide to resources for and about Older Americans, detailing National and State Organizations, Government Agencies, Health, Research Centers, Libraries and Information Centers, Legal Resources, Discount Travel Information and Continuing Education Programs. The first edition was published by Gale Research in 1994. Older American's Information Directory now includes 4000 new listings and two new chapters -- Disability Aids & Assistive Devices and Health: Associations, Support Groups and Hotlines, which provides important information on 16 conditions, including Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Heart Disease and Stroke. This Second Edition also contains two new indexes, including a Geographic Index and a Website Section. This comprehensive resource is a highly useful source of information for Older Americans searching for information and for those who care for and support them. Author: Mars, Laura ISBN-10: 1891482369

National Health Directory,1999 Ed., 9780834217218
National Health Directory,1999 Ed., ISBN-13: 9780834217218, ISBN-10: 083421721X
The Writer's Workbook, Second Edition gives you the skills you need to succeed in today's health care pubishing marketplace. In nine easy le ssons, the author addresses how to get started, what types of manuscri pts publishers look for, and reasons that manuscripts get rejected. If you are a dean or director, nurse educator, graduate student, or prac titioner, you will be better prepared to write and get published after using this workbook. *Author: Fondiller, Shirley/ Fondiller *Series Title: National League for Nursing Series *Binding Type: Paperback *Number of Pages: 170 *Publication Date:
Today, more than ever before, we have available to us a large body of knowledge about how to reach and influence youth, even high-risk youth and families, that help them build resiliency. Building Healthy Individuals, Families, and Communities describes a program, Creating Lasting Family Connections, which is based on COPES' successful demonstration program, Creating Lasting Connections (CLC).
CLC, a research demonstration project, was designed as an ecumenical, community based program that focused on increasing community, family and individual (youth) protective factors that would lead to del
CLC, a research demonstration project, was designed as an ecumenical, community based program that focused on increasing community, family and individual (youth) protective factors that would lead to del
"Today, more than ever before, we have available to us a large body of knowledge about how to reach and influence youth, even high-risk youth and families, that help them build resiliency. Building Healthy Individuals, Families, and Communities describes a program, Creating Lasting Family Connections, which is based on COPES' successful demonstration program, Creating Lasting Connections (CLC). CLC, a research demonstration project, was designed as an ecumenical, community based program that focused on increasing community, family and individual (youth) protective factors that would lead to de
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