Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0335243568
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0335243568
Introduction to Health Economics (Understanding Public Health), 2nd Edition
"There are several books on the market now that claim to take readers into the intricacies of health economics 'from first principles'.
Open University Press | 2011 | 288 pages | ISBN-13: 9780335243563 | ISBN-10: 0335243568 | You save 10%
To me, this book succeeds better than any."
Gavin Mooney, Honorary Professor, University of Sydney and University of Cape Town; Visiting Professor, Aarhus University, the University of New South Wales and the University of Southern Denmark "This book would be an excellent choice for anyone wishing to be introduced to the field of health economics - it is undoubtedly the best 'Health Economics 101' textbook around ... There is a desperate need for a greater understanding of health economics principles among health system policy-makers, managers and researchers; this book will contribute en

Introduction to Health Economics (Understanding Public Health)
Introduction to Health Economics (Understanding Public Health) - David Wonderling, Nick Black, Reinhold Gruen
Introduction to Health Economics for Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, ISBN-13: 9780471966630, ISBN-10: 0471966630
Introduction to Health Economics, ISBN-13: 9780335243563, ISBN-10: 0335243568
author s witter author t ensor format paperback language english publication year 21 03 1997 subject medicine subject 2 medicine general payment shipping rates returns an introduction to health economics for eastern europe and the former soviet union title an introduction to health economics for eastern europe and the former soviet union author sku mon 0000171276 isbn 0471966630 binding paperback publisher wiley blackwell publication date 1997 03 21 pages 216 condition very good additional infor
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To me, this book succeeds better than any."
Gavin Mooney, Honorary Professor, University of Sydney and University of Cape Town; Visiting Professor, Aarhus University, the University of New South Wales and the University of Southern Denmark "This book would be an excellent choice for anyone wishing to be introduced to the field of health economics - it is undoubtedly the best 'Health Economics 101' textbook around ..
o me, this book succeeds better than any."
Gavin Mooney, Honorary Professor, University of Sydney and University of Cape Town; Visiting Professor, Aarhus University, the University of New South Wales and the University of Southern Denmark "This book would be an excellent choice for anyone wishing to be introduced to the field of health economics - it is undoubtedly the best 'Health Economics 101' textbook around ... There is a desperate need for a greater understanding of health economics principles among health system policy-makers, managers and researchers; this book will contribute en