Author: John F. McCally
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0070453691
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0070453691
Physician Pratice Management Redefines: The Move to Integrate Practice Organizations
by Mccally - McGraw-Hill Publishing Company (1999) - Hardback - ISBN 0070453691 9780070453692

Physician Practice Management Redefined The Move to ..., 9780070453692
Physician Practice Management Redefined The Move to Integrated Practice Organizations, ISBN-13: 9780070453692, ISBN-10: 0070453691
"Integrative medicine includes the best of conventional medicine but redefines health to include the person's body, mind, spirituality and community with a special focus on the patient-practitioner bond. Borrowing from integrative medicine, Health Coaching for Behavior Change: Motivational Interviewing Methods and Practice presents motivational interviewing skills and how they can be used to invite and elicit behavior change and impact health coaching outcomes. In this 35-page report, a physician and a health psychologist from the field of integrative medicine affirm how training in motivation
Professionals can no longer afford to be uninformed about their professional vulnerability. A better informed public and increasingly litigious society place them at risk for possible legal action and professional sanctions when they violate professional-client boundaries. This book addresses boundary violations through the lens of the professional-client relationship, drawing examples of misconduct from law, medicine, religion, education, and psychotherapy--professions which oblige the professional to place the client's needs first. Professional misconduct is commonly defined by content (for
Professionals can no longer afford to be uninformed about their professional vulnerability. A better informed public and increasingly litigious society place them at risk for possible legal action and professional sanctions when they violate professional-client boundaries. This book addresses boundary violations through the lens of the professional-client relationship, drawing examples of misconduct from law, medicine, religion, education, and psychotherapy--professions which oblige the professional to place the client's needs first. Professional misconduct is commonly defined by content (for
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