Author: Patricia Robinson PhD
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1572248327
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1572248327
Real Behavior Change in Primary Care: Improving Patient Outcomes and Increasing Job Satisfaction (Professional)
As a primary care provider, you are on the front lines of medical treatment.
Real Behavior Change in Primary Care
Oftentimes, you're the first medical professional patients come to when they experience problems with their health. While some of these problems can be resolved by traditional medical treatment, many others are driven by underlying psychological issues and unhealthy lifestyle choices that you may feel powerless to affect. Between repeat patient visits and the frustrating progression of preventable symptoms and conditions, it's no wonder so many medical and behavioral health providers feel burned out and at a loss for effective solutions.This guide was designed to help you find those solutions and recapture the ability to effectively help patients achieve optimal health

Real Behavior Change In Primary Care: Improving Patient Outcomes And...
EAN: 9781572248328 Title: REAL BEHAVIOR CHANGE IN PRIMARY CARE SKU: ST1572248327 Product Category: Books, Comics & Magazines
Real Behavior Change in Primary Care: Improving Patient Outcomes and Increasing Job Satisfaction (Professional), ISBN-13: 9781572248328, ISBN-10: 1572248327
Real Behavior Change in Primary Care : Improving Patient Outcomes and Increasing Job Satisfaction, ISBN-13: 9781572248328, ISBN-10: 1572248327
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This guide was designed to help you find those solutions and recapture the ability to effectively help patients achieve optimal health